If you happen to be reading this, you are reading my first ever letter to you and there can be no better introduction by telling you what this is all about. The Roadmap has nothing to do with me giving you the blue-print to life, neither does it have anything to do with me having all of the answers. It is simply a journal taking you through what it looks like navigating through life with the guidance of God as opposed to what it looks like wandering through life without him. In a nutshell, it is an outward reflection of my personal experiences. This also happens to be the foundation behind everything I talk about on “The Back To Square One Podcast”. (We will have extensive podcast reviews through this platform).
Self Discovery
Many of you are here because you are on a journey of self discovery. A journey that every human being will embark on at some point in their lives. My journey started on the back of physical illness, depression and frustration (Listen to Ep1: Back To Square One). A position that I never wanted to find myself in again. So I was determined to find fulfilment in who I really was and not who I thought I should be.
Therefore I picked up the Bible along side a fair share of self improvement books and set out on a mission to find myself. What started off with the intention to discover myself resulted in the discovery of God, who he is, and who he says that I am. Since then, the Bible became more than an antidote to self help. It became the spiritual revelation of God’s character; which was far more fulfilling than the revelation of mine. After all we were made in his image and not the other way around.
A Book of Rules
Never would I have thought that a book of rules written by mere men had the power to change my life. Never would I have thought that it would set out as the standard to which by life was lived by. Many of you are thinking the same thing now; and you’re right! A book of rules written by ordinary men cannot and should not have the power to serve as the navigator of your life. Especially a book written thousands of years ago!
But what if this book happened to serve as a road map towards an unknown destination in your life? What if this book is dated but not irrelevant? What if this book spoke of wisdom beyond the capacity of a mere man? What if this book was designed to show you true life? What if this book is indeed the inspired word of God?
If these questions happen to be true then finding your purpose without it will become meaningless. You cannot find your purpose in a book of rules, you can only find your purpose through the love of God. The love of God is revealed through his word. So what does that make the Bible?
A Guiding Light
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” Psalm 119:105
The writer of this psalm could have described God’s word as cuffs to his ankles or obstacles to his path but that is not who he knew God to be. We, however, look at the Bible as a lot of things that it is not. Therefore the character of God becomes foreign to us as we embark on our journeys of finding purpose.
My goal is to help you re-discover the best version of yourself in alliance with mind of our maker. He is intentional about your growth and his word is a guiding light. A light that has the potential to serve as to the foundation behind everything you do to grow as an individual.
Who maps out your life?
I remember staying away from God’s word because I thought I could order my own steps and design my own destiny. As a result my Bible picked up dust for years. I got all my coaching from people who were just as clueless as I was and my desires set the benchmark for my standards. Here are a few questions that I am going to leave you with:
Does your life need guidance?
Do you know where you are going?
Who is God? Who are you? And who is God to you?
How does the word of God apply to your everyday life?
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right.
-The Second Letter of Paul to the Timothy 3 : 16
Such a fantastic read.
“The writer of this psalm could have described God’s word as cuffs to his ankles or obstacles to his path but that is not who he knew God to be” - loved every bit of this! ✨