One of my personal interests in life is understanding human nature. The way we think, the things we do and the reasons why we do them are so fascinating to me. I started reading Robert Greene’s literature several years ago because he shed light on human psychology giving answers to many questions I had about the things people do. His book, “The Laws of Human Nature”, talks about a concept called “The Law of Conformity” and it states:
“We have a side to our character that we are generally unaware of — our social personality, the different person we become when we operate in groups of people. In the group setting, we unconsciously imitate what others are saying and doing. We think differently, more concerned with fitting in and believing what others believe. We feel different emotions, infected by the group mood. We are more prone to taking risks, to acting irrationally, because everyone else is.”
There is always pressure put on people to remain part of society by making conformed but not informed decisions. The pressure starts with one trend and then jumps to another. I remember just 3 years ago you would have been considered to be financially ignorant if you weren’t investing in crypto currency. Many people felt pressured and compelled to “move with society”. The evidence is all around us; and people live to please people. Greene describes this as a side to our character that we are generally unaware of, however I think there’s more to this. We are aware of it but we are just in denial! Through this letter I hope to take you on an introspective journey to shed light on the root of people pleasing, conformity and what I believe is the only lasting solution towards it.
Rejection and Acceptance
If there is one thing you live to avoid it would be rejection and if there is one thing you live to find it would be acceptance. This is like a game of hide and seek your soul plays consciously and subconsciously. When I was studying the Laws of Human Nature according to man, there was one gaping question that was yet to be fulfilled. What are the laws of human nature according to the creator of man? What I grew to find is that the laws of your carnality can never be fulfilled without the restoration and reconciliation of your design. The absence of this is what brings about denial in humanity. No matter how spiritual you think you are, your human nature will always look to people and society to find acceptance and avoid rejection.
The issue is that this problem has a spiritual root which means it cannot be restored physically. What I mean by this is that where you find acceptance can’t be the same place you in which you experience rejection. The physical realm is the headquarters of rejection. No matter where you go, what you do, or who your with, rejection remains a possibility. This is why your natural response is to live with man made walls as a defence mechanism to protect your soul.
The world is also home to several avenues of acceptance. These avenues come in the form of places, communities, activities and practices that fill the void of rejection in order to provide acceptance. This could be the team you support, the country you are from or the society you have become a part of. This is what brings about the behavioural issues relating to imitating what others are doing, people pleasing, and believing what others believe. It seems like the more you find acceptance, the more you’ll become subject to the patterns of conformity due to the fear of rejection. That feeling of having to be a different person depending on what room you’re in all comes from your innate desire to avoid rejection and find acceptance.
Made To Be Accepted
What I grew to understand is that the laws of human nature will give you the facts about what you cannot change. All this will do is put you into an informed state of hopelessness. Understanding the flawed nature of humanity might increase your knowledge but it does nothing to fill the void of an empty soul. The earthly homes of acceptance have their benefits but a temporary fix will always put you back into a state of need. Your soul will never be satisfied in living for a moment that will surely end. On a personal note, I had to come to this realisation before I could take the promises of God seriously. If you have found refuge in an unsustainable room of acceptance I’m here to tell you about a more sustainable route. Acceptance that is absent from the fear of rejection.
The truth is that many people run away from God for the very same reason they conform to the patterns of this world. The fear of rejection. The human desire to be accepted comes with the ultimate fear of being rejected by God. This is a valid fear because I believe that we all posses an intrinsic understanding of not having an offering worthy enough to give to God. We dread the day where we have to come face to face with that reality. Therefore we settle to find acceptance here on earth, where we might indeed have something worthy to offer. This also spurs up a desire within people to work their way out of condemnation as opposed to being rescued out of it.
Acceptance Absent Of Rejection
The Laws of Human Nature testify to the reality of being of being born into a problem you have to be saved out of. Coming to the end of yourself, is the recognition of the need of a saviour. The death (rejection) we all so desperately avoid in this world can be nullified through the faith in what God accepts: life in his Son. A free gift for you to believe in. This is the exact reason why God gave his son as unblemished sacrifice on your behalf. The understanding of having nothing worthy to offer leads you to a dead end with only one hope: Grace.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
The imperfection of human nature is always rewarded with a dead end. But the perfection of the nature of God revealed through his son leads to everlasting life. This is why life can only be found through faith in what we don’t have ourselves: perfection. This is the route God provides to give your soul the confident assurance of life despite your personal flaws. This is where acceptance that is absent of rejection is found and you can hold on to the promises of God with security and certainty (2 Timothy 2:13).
God’s Promises
It is important to understand the essence of human nature in light of God’s promises. God himself came into humanity and dealt with the same struggles you deal with every day. Therefore you have hope simply because he ultimately fulfilled what would have been required of you. It is important to go through life knowing that God is for you because this world is filled with so many things that are against you! With God being for you absolutely nothing can be against you! You were made to be accepted by God and even though we fall short of his glorious standard he gave us this gift. These promises are not simply for your remembrance once a year during Easter. These promises are foundational to a productive life true to your identity that is absent you the fear of rejection with the assurance of acceptance that comes from above. Here are some Bible verses that have equipped me with the knowledge of the one who rescued me while giving the assurance of who I am in him. Hold on to these verses as a reminder of the acceptance that comes from God:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.
John 10:27-29
Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
Romans 5:1
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5:5
And they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of God’s Son from heaven—Jesus, whom God raised from the dead. He is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment.
1 Thessalonians 1:10
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
Happy Easter Family.
This was such a beautiful read with a lot of godly insight! May God increase your wisdom and your love for him!
Will definitely be re-reading it soon!