Personally, I have seen the value that a disciplined lifestyle brings to one's personal growth. Sticking to a strict routine, staying consistent and having a disciplined schedule has kept me from falling into the traps of drifting and disillusionment. This is something I have practised and preached for the past 3 years of my life! However something significantly changed in my understanding of what it truly means to be regimented this year. It is not about sticking to a strict schedule and following a set of rules you have made for yourself. It is not about the pursuit of strict rigidity at the expense of a dynamic lifestyle. It is about the invitation of authority from the one who is capable of perfect consistency juxtaposed with the ceaseless fluidity of his spirit. What has changed this year is that I have been inconsistent in following the schedule of the plans I had for myself. But I have been more consistent in following the schedule governed by the heart of God. Just as the laws of nature would affirm, if your schedule is truly governed by God, it would be seasonal. This means that you might find yourself doing things that are so far away from your intended plans but knowing that God knows best ensures that you follow the patterns of his seasons through your schedule.
This is what it looked like for me. In July, 2023 I was ready to release the second season of The Back To Square One Podcast. The only issue was that producing, recording, editing and marketing a podcast by myself required a schedule that was mostly devoted towards it. That was looking to be far-fetched because God also wanted me to focus on several things behind the scenes such as my relationship and my family. The more I prayed, the more evident it became that I was meant to take a step back from being visible within that capacity. Although this newsletter seemed to come about spontaneously, I created this Substack account well over a year ago, not knowing what to write about. Therefore at the moment of deliberation I realised that this newsletter will be used as an avenue to put out the same message God has put within me while being focused on everything else. Therefore what I want you to get out of this letter is an informed understanding of living your life according to a fixed schedule.
Your Only Fixed Schedule
A schedule is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times. Therefore a fixed schedule speaks to the will or the intent of its orchestrator. What you need to understand is that structure and the execution of tasks are of great importance; and your schedule is what will help to facilitate this process. But have you ever found yourself at a stumbling block where your schedule is no longer compatible with the reality of your life? I am sure you have, therefore you need to change your approach in understanding what a fixed schedule truly is.
Throughout this season of writing we have established that the one true creator of the universe is the source behind your dreams, plans, visions and routines. Therefore a fixed schedule is simply fixing your eyes on God who sits on the throne of authority behind everything that is done. The difference is that God is unchangeable yet possess the power to change anything and everything. You on the other hand can be changed but you don’t have the power to change anything and everything. This is why you might feel like your life has come crashing down if you lose your job or if you find yourself in a complete state of helplessness. As a human being you have the desire to be fluid and malleable but you don’t possess the capacity to do so. This is where the feeling of being stuck comes from.
However fixing your mind on God comes in the form of trusting in his nature. God has never changed, yet remains fluid and adaptable through the events and times of life. You, on the other hand, have a deep intrinsic desire to live a structured life while maintaining the fluidity required to move through the times and seasons of life. This is more than just a coincidence; it is the evidence of your existence as an image bearer of God (Genesis 1:27). Now when you feel stuck and submitted to a schedule that is no longer compatible with the times and seasons of life, you need to question who you are truly submitted to. If you are forcefully trying to maintain a schedule that is bearing no fruit, then it might be the evidence of your submission to the schedule as a god and not your submission to the God of the schedule.
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3
I can only imagine how turbulent my life would have become if my mind was still fixed on a schedule that was only authorised for a particular time. If you're currently in a place where things aren’t moving, fix your mind on the one who does.
Flexibility and Stability
There are two polarising obsessions seen in the world today. The first is that man imposes authority with no flexibility and the second is that man desires flexibility with no authority. This is a truth that speaks directly to the fallen nature of mankind. The difference is that God doesn’t impose authority and neither does he desire fluidity; God is these things. Therefore there is a tendency for people to try and create or chase the reality of God outside of God. This is why you might find life to be difficult when you know there is more but you don’t have the capacity to live in it. This difficulty also speaks to your knowledge of the benefits that come with the authoritative structure of a schedule but the reality of your inability to maintain its requirements. The truth is that you cannot attain or sustain the things of God without God which is why he makes himself available for you to do so. The capacity for flexibility and the assurance of stability is an intrinsic desire imprinted on the heart of every person. However, this desire can only be actualised in a relationship with God and his purposes; which was his intention from the beginning of time.
Schedules are for Times and Seasons
Schedule (noun):
A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.
The definition of a schedule makes a clear correlation between a process and a time. When a schedule is fixed on God there is an understanding that its process and functionality is inspired by the wisdom of God; whereas the times and seasons reflect the patterns of his divine authority. There are times where God will make your schedule and there are times where God will break it just so it doesn’t make or break you.
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding
Daniel 2:21
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
The beautiful thing about the Bible is that it brings light to your understanding of the things that you see but can’t quite comprehend. Confusion, stagnation and hopelessness all come from the misapprehension of times, seasons and the wisdom needed to understand them. A job loss or an unexpected career pivot is not the end of a book, it is the beginning of a chapter. Therefore when creating your schedule; you need to fix your mind on God who will bring light to your current chapter.
Final Thoughts
The next letter I am sending out to you will bring you into a practical understanding of how to apply this truth into your life. The next letter will also be the final letter I will be writing to you in 2023 and my desire is for it to serve as a guide to how you approach your daily, weekly and monthly schedule going into 2024. If you have any specific questions or points that you’d like me to cover, let me know in the comments or send me an email. In conclusion, there are so many benefits to the things we do, but only God can give these things true meaning. Next year I will continue to take you on a journey on how these principles can be applied to your everyday life.
Have a great day.