What a year. Thank you, for a transformative space. My life personally has been deeply impacted by every single letter! So excited for what’s to come. I will return with testimonies!

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How do I stay consistent?? This is a question i started asking myself in the second week of January 🙈 and this is the best answer I have received so far. Thank you so much. 🙏🏾 you’ll find me camping here when you return 🤭

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Thank you for your Newsletter. They've been so insightful and profound. I am ready for all you have for us in 2024. God bless you.

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Thank you for your newsletters. They’ve been so instrumental to my growth this year. Looking forward to all you have in store for 2024! 🥳

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It’s giving recap & new beginnings. Thank you for the thought provoking letters! They have helped me connect to my inner man and fueled my worship better. Thank you! Cheers to 2024 !

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