Thank you for this letter today Kaz. For the first time in my life I felt despair, but through so many little lights the lord kept whispering it’s not over yet. When your newsletter popped up in my mail, I laughed for the first time in a while, even though the pain was a lot the threads of hope being extended by the father where too many to ignore. Even though nothing has changed my heart is encouraged and I see the light.
Thank you for this letter today Kaz. For the first time in my life I felt despair, but through so many little lights the lord kept whispering it’s not over yet. When your newsletter popped up in my mail, I laughed for the first time in a while, even though the pain was a lot the threads of hope being extended by the father where too many to ignore. Even though nothing has changed my heart is encouraged and I see the light.
Thank God!