This is the truth ! The tools of spirit, soul and body are to the end that we see Him. It is true. God desires that we we prosper in health and many of the hiccups that I have experienced in my walk with God when investigated is as a result of my neglect of an aspect of my whole make up. I shall love the lord with all my heart, strength, and might emanates from the practices of to keep my heart, strength and might in check. For real, I get it. Nothing is a miss, absolutely nothing our body tells us is a miss especially for the believer because we now live, move and have our being in him. Thank you for delivering this message, wow!

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You're welcome! Our bodies will never be useless as long as we still reside in them. We are triune in spirit, body and soul. Thank you for your insight

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If there’s one thing I needed to hear today it was that the tools are meant to lead me to God! That’s a perspective shift that will take a moment to digest.

It did leave me wondering if the tools are evidence of my pursuit of God ? Like in Hansel and Gretel the bread crumbs were meant to show them where they were coming from.

is it that engaging in whatever, be it fitness or fasting is meant to help me recognize and be aware of my interaction with God? Because after reading the letter I prayed this prayer “how can I not lose sight of you in pursuit of these things?” But it seemed more proper to ask “how can the pursuit of you be the Centre of my engaging in these things?”

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“how can the pursuit of you be the Centre of my engaging in these things?” This is such an important question. One of the Devils tricks is to get people to worship the created things of this world in place of God. If that doesn't work he will settle for encouraging people to believe that that the things he created are useless. A tool is an item designed with a function. A simple way to look at it is to find out; what is the function what what God designed? He made things to be used that benefit humanity and glory him in the process. This verse helps give some perspective:

"For FROM him and THROUGH him and for him are ALL things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." - Romans 11:36

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Such a good letter!! So well delivered.

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Thank you!

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